Tantra Yoga's ultimate aim is self-mastery, encompassing control over one's mind, thoughts, body, and energy. Achieving this profound goal follows a systematic path toward enlightenment. It's important to recognize that this isn't a quick accomplishment through a few yoga classes or even extensive training; in the tradition, it's seen as a process that may span multiple lifetimes.

The concept of "mastery" in Tantra and yoga is an ambitious one, signifying complete self-control over our thoughts, emotions, desires, past actions, behavior, and more. Attaining this level of mastery often necessitates a long journey of practice and personal growth. In this lifetime, engaging with Tantra can enhance our ability to navigate life's challenges skillfully and enable us to perceive beauty and divinity in the ordinary and challenging aspects of existence.

In the non-dualistic worldview of Tantra, there's no division between the material and spiritual realms. Although duality is apparent in our daily lives, such as good and bad, male and female, hot and cold, these distinctions are perceived illusions. For Tantrikas, every experience, from pain to pleasure, is a manifestation of the Divine, a pathway toward realising one's own divinity. Tantra doesn't advocate escaping the world but rather finding beauty and auspiciousness even in the seemingly mundane or negative aspects of life. It teaches that liberation can be achieved within the world, not apart from it.

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BHAKTI YOGA - The Practice of Devotion


The Gunas - sattva