The EIGHT Limbs of yoga - samadhi

Samadhi represents the pinnacle of consciousness, where awareness, perception and clarity come together into a profound state of being. 

As we dive deeper into our yoga practice, our perception gradually unveils the inherent qualities of the the chosen object. In the advanced stages, the lines blur between the meditator and the object of meditation, leading to a harmonious merging of the two. This highlights the significance of selecting a suitable object for meditation, as it becomes the bridge to transcendence.

Samadhi is the culmination of our spiritual journey, revealing the highest truths that extend far beyond the limitations of our human identity. In this state, we shed the labels of 'this' or 'that,' simply existing as 'I am.' We transcend individuality and become an embodiment of existence itself.

The sacred mantra 'So Hum' serves as a powerful reminder of our higher self, translating to 'I Am That.' It signifies our connection to a greater, transcendent reality beyond our wildest human imaginings. Samadhi elevates our consciousness to this profound realm of existence.

When we consistently access the 'Awareness of Pure Self' Samadhi, our decision-making process transforms. We no longer base choices on the limited truths of our earthly identity but, instead, on the timeless truths that flow from this elevated state. Through this, we begin to shape not only our future but also our ultimate destiny, aligning our lives with the profound wisdom revealed in Samadhi.

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The Gunas - Tamas


The EIGHT Limbs of yoga - dhyana