The EIGHT Limbs of yoga - pranayama

Pranayama is the fourth limb of the eight limbs of yoga and such a pivotal aspect of our yoga practice, it’s the bridge between the physical and spiritual aspects of who we are. Our breath is something that we can do consciously and unconsciously, it’s happening, twenty four seven in the background but when consciously taken control of we can tap into our subconscious mind. 

Breath and Mind are so intimately connected, and the breath is a direct correlation or reflection of how we think, and our state of mind in the moment. The more expanded and smooth and calm, our breath is then the more expanded, smooth and calm our life. Prana (energy) is a little more dense than our mind, making it easier to manipulate and control, when we are able to master this then we are able to master our mind. 

Through different breaths, lengths of breaths, holding breath in and out, we are able to access parasympathetic, nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system to create dependable outcomes and specific flavours of energy. 

Such an amazing tool that we always have with us which becomes the precursor to the next stages along this path of self realisation, creating the ability to withdraw our senses and move into single pointed focus. Come join us on the journey. 

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The EIGHT Limbs of yoga - pratyahara


The EIGHT Limbs of yoga - asana